Monday, January 17, 2011

Bilderberg Group?

One of the things which has amused and intrigued me in recent time was BilderbergGroup .

Does anyone know what Bilderberg group is and does? If i do a survey of 1000 people from all countries , chances are maybe less than 5% of people would know what it is and thats exactly why its has been running for all these years .,..

So ,,What is Bilderberg group ?
 Bilderberg Group  can be defined in a crude manner as World Economic Forum upgrade  or can be said as secretive executive forum  of wef .. .indeeed it exists and is not myth as some spook mentions it

Who attends the meeting ?

130 elite people from the "West"  attend the event . These people are most the influential people in politcs, business,  bankers, royal family .. are part of the group .. 2/3 come from European Union nations and remaining 1./3 come from the other part of the atlantic.  Some of the participants in the previous meetings were Barack  Obama , Queen of Netherlands, CEOS of major firms like IBM, Xerox,.Nokia, Prince Charles , Timothu Geithner, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker,Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Jose Manuel Barosso, Angela Merkel,Bill Gates..

Where do the meetings take place?

Usually the meetings are sceretive ,and media coverage is  not allowed. But they do nicely let people know where they meet .  It could be  cosy and exotic place like Kitzbuhel or sleek and gorgeous Istanbul .. The 2010 meet was held in sitges, spain .

What do they  do ?

its bassically a  group who meet and discuss about world issues . 2010 meeting had discussed following issues . (soruce official website)
  • Current Events: North Korea, Iran and Non-Proliferation
  • Global Cooling: Implications of Slow Economic Growth
  • The Growing Influence of Cyber Technology
  • Is Financial Reform Progressing?
  • US and European Fiscal and Financial Challenges
  • The European Union and the Crisis of the Euro
  • Promises of Medical Science
  • Energy's Promises and Challenges
  • Security in a Proliferated World
  • Social Networking: From the Obama Campaign to the Iranian Revolution
  • Europe-US: A New Approach
  • Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Region
  • Can We Feed the World?
Now what amused me most  was the idea the 130  people from Influential west come once a year for gala evening to discuss the problems of the world in an informal gathering attending in as private capacity , when half to almost each and every problem soolution /impact and effect is in principle determined by one nation "China " .. Thus my next question which i ask  is Is Bilderberg group irrelevant ? If yes ,then why it does get continued  year by year and press  balking behind them to get a snap or slight picture .,

Second Question  i have .. Whats the whole idea of a single west meeting together ? Understandable  during 60s, 70s, the event made sense in a wide west world .. But in 2011 .. with macro dyanmics of the world changing so fast , its hard to imagine what the result of such event makes sense of global  world .. Why not include influential people from  growth markets as well ... G8 was moved to G20 as wider talks scenari0. Why not bilderberg expand its membership ?

Finally . How does Bilderberg group connect with  other instititions like bretton woods system , or the the national governments of US and China ? Surely Sino-US relations on key areas like Nuclear Proliferations, Iran and North Korea cannot be undermined. And if  people from one of the group attend this event and other doesnt ? what are the implications in understanding the viewpoint of these issues, when chances are  bilderberg particpant already has biased or even different viewpoint because he is part of the group.. I know it sounds too far fetched but it nevertheless is a point to ponder  about

So my question is as we head towards a sam huntington puts in "clash of civilization - a new world order" as a multipolar world with different pillars  along USA to govern the planet , Will Bilderberg group change?  as the new order forms out or will it become one of those razzmatazz event of  glitz and secrecy for the elite west to dream and charade their  synthetic glamour aided by Chinese investements .

Arvind .Ganti
Date : 17th Jan 2011 .Location : Hong Kong

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